Refugee crisis in Europe

Only when Europe is experiencing crisis at close range, we are concerned about the things that are happening far away. Once refugees stands outside of our door, then it becomes important to help in the war’s neighboring areas.

Distress in the close areas has been there for a long time, we just didn’t wanted to see it until the need came to us.

This year, hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers traveled by sea to Europe. The external borders in Germany are falling, registration and receptyion apparatus for asylum collapses and refugees die on the run. Europe really has something to learn from those who knows how to deal with such crises.

Usually when refugee crisis arise, the aid agencies are quick and effective, but obviously 06-10-2015Migrants_UNHCRthey need money in order to help. International aid agencies, cooperating with the UN, has for 4 years been helping two million refugees in Turkey, a  million in Lebanon and a million in Jordan.

Let’s take a closer look to the Syrian refugees, one of the most biggest refugee crisis so far this year. Because of the Syrian Civil War, more than 4 million syrian have left the country during the course of war. The refugee crisis began in 2011. The war has become more deadly since foreign powers started to interfere in the conflict.

refugee crise

Reasons why Syrians are fleeing from their home:

Children’s safety: Children in Syria have lost their loved once, lost their schools, hope for future and all the things we barely appreciate because we are so used to these goods. So children’s safety will be very high priority for the Syrians that are fleeing from their homes. The Syrian children are the nation’s hope for a better future.

Ruined infrastructure: In Syria, education, healthcare system and other infrastructure have been collapsed. The economy in this country is shattered. This also is a very big reason why they are fleeing from the country.

Violence: As I mentioned, because of the Syrian Civil War, many people have been killed, many people are homeless and many people are alone.

The refugee’s greatest needs:

The refugees need all the basics to maintain their lives. Food, clothing, health care and a household. Clean water and sanitation facilities are very important and basic needs.

When it comes to the children, they need a safe environment, and a chance have fun and go to school. Adults need employment and have job for a living. Now that the winter has arrived, the refugee’s also need warm clothing, shoes and heaters.



  • HumanRightsWatch– Author: HumanRightsWatch- Published:NOVEMBER 16, 2015
  • Wikipedia– Author: Unknown- Published: September 25, 2015
  • Wikipedia– Author: Unknown
  • BBC news – Published : November 25, 2015
  • UN News Center

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