Hollywood, Bollywood and Nollywood

Hey Blog!

We discussed a little bit about Hollywood, Bollywood and Nollywood in class, so I wanted to share with you guys what I learned

First of all Hollywood was the “birthplace” of movie studios.

Since its time of inception, Hollywood has proved to be a source of inspiration for Bollywood. Bollywood is basically an Indian version of Hollywood. It has long been considered a member of TWC (Third World Cinema).

I need to highlight the cultural strenght of Bollywood, even though the ideal in Bollywood is to be more western they’ve still kept tight reins to their traditions and culture. On typical thing with Bollywood movies is the singing and dancing. It’s a bit more musical movies with a lot of emotions. Another thing is their beliefs; In almost every movie, they show some videoclips of their Gods in hinduism or maybe showing a scene where an actor is asking for help from his hindu-God. This shows that Western cultural imperalism can be stopped in third World countries.

And bollywoodwe can ask ourselves; If there were not elements of western culture that TWC identify with, would Hollywood have such a global success? Well, both yes and no. Hollywood movies are in Engish, and English is a lingua-franca. That leads to the fact that it’s easier for Hollywood to spread globally than it is for Bollywood. Bollywood on the other hand has a small amount of movies in English, or even with subtitles. Therefore, Bollywood doesn’t reach that much out globally compared to Hollywood.

Btw, unless you’ve been living under a rock I guess you’ve heard about Nollywood! No? Don’t worry,, the first time I heard about it was in one of my IE classes. But surprisingly, Nollywood is today the largest film industry. Basically, Nollywood is a “low-budget” film industry in Nigeria. Usually Nollywood movies don’t make it to the cinema,  only on DVD’s.

While Hollywood and Bollywood produce kind of a “get-away from reality” movies, the Nigerian movies focus on the problems in their society, such as poverty and crime. Even though the movies are in low quality, they show the reality of the society in Nigeria.






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